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土曜日, 8月 25, 2007

First Zen Temple in Japan

-Japan- (EOS KISS * YASHICA ML 35/2.8 * FUJI SUPERIA 200)


1195年に禅宗の開祖・栄西が開いた日本最初の禅寺。 禅寺の伽藍配置をよく保存しており、境内は国の史跡に なっています。また、鐘は高麗時代に作られたやや大ぶりの朝鮮 鐘で、国の重要文化財に指定されています。



Sho-Fuku (Zen) Temple
near the Gion station in Fukuoka Prefecture.

The first Zen temple in Japan which the founder and Eisai of the Zen sect opened in 1195. The temples and monastic compound of a Zen temple is saved well, and the precincts of a temple have become the historic relics of a country. moreover, the bell was made by the Koryo age -- it is a Korean bell for the first time in size a little, and is designated as the important cultural property of Japan.